Shop ‘n Taieri
Shop ‘n Taieri, the fashionable little op shop at 135 Gordon Road, has been gifted to Mosgiel – North Taieri Church and the Saddle Hill Foundation Trust .
We welcome your donations of clean, re-usable and unbroken: clothing, shoes, collectables, bric-a-brac, fabric, household items, jewellery, books, blankets, toys, electrical goods, puzzles, antiques. Just ask yourself ‘can someone else can get use from this’?
Recycle what you don’t need and buy what you do need from Shop ‘n Taieri – op shopping is the socially responsible way to shop!
Your purchases and donations help fund SHFT’s work with children, youth and families in your local community.
To drop off donations, pop into the store or drop them into the wheelie bins located at East Taieri Church foyer, the Hub (corner of Gladstone & Cemetery Rd) or Fuel Church in Fairfield.
Meet some of our staff:
Diane Money – Manager
Jill Chalmers – Retail Assistant